FAQ provides quick answers to common inquiries, helping users resolve doubts efficiently.
Simply browse our course catalog, select the course you’re interested in, and follow the steps to make a purchase. Once purchased, the course will be available in your dashboard.
Yes, all courses on PrimeTuts are available 24/7. You can access them anytime from your account and learn at your own pace. However live classes are scheduled. Go to your purchased course and check live class schedules.
Yes, once you complete a course and pass any required assessments, you’ll receive a verifiable digital certificate, which you can download or share. You may also apply for an authentic endorsed physical copy.
Once you enroll in a course, you’ll gain access to our dedicated WhatsApp group, where you can receive interactive follow-up, guidance, and support from instructors and fellow learners. Additionally, our live classes are designed to address any challenges you may encounter and provide an engaging, interactive learning experience.